Thursday, March 29, 2007

Squirrel World

Whisky Frisky took time from his scamper among the branches to pose for my camera.
He or she belongs to the Squirrel Family of Byrd Elementary School on Lapsley Street.
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  1. what a nice picture!
    thanks for dropping by at ADP!

    Ampang Daily Photo

  2. beautiful photo. I've read a lot about Selma over the years. Very good to know you are doing a Daily Photo blog. Welcome.

    Jilly x

  3. Hi Dijah and Jilly,
    Thanks for stopping by!
    This is an interesting way to connect around the world.

  4. Tks for showing my pet hate!!! They are so SWEET....grrrrr!!! ;-)

  5. Aww, they are so cute with their bushy tails curling over their backs! But alas, we used to have them scampering through the attic of the old house in which I grew up.


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