Monday, April 30, 2012

Battlefield Vittles

Roasted corn, jumbo stuffed baked potatoes, grilled ribeye steak sandwiches,
 mesquite chicken sandwiches and several flavors of lemonade!
The Lemonade Saloon sure won over my taste buds at the Battle of Selma battlefield.
 Just wish I could have tried a little of everything!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Ride in a Covered Wagon

Re-enactors bring scenes from the 1860s back to life each year
 during Battle of Selma weekend. This covered wagon was among
 modes of transportation that made the school days tours more authentic. 

Posted at Scenic Sunday

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Music of the 1860s

School children just love the music venue at the Battle of Selma school tours.
 This musician appears to be playing with a wooden toy.
 Do you know what it is and what it does?

Friday, April 27, 2012


Selma is once again ready for the Yankees in this 147th year since the Battle of Selma.
 The annual re-enactment is this weekend, and the April 1865 Society has prepared fortifications.
 Unfortunately, on Sunday, the federal cavalry will burn the house 
and spill over the fences to capture the town in one of the last battles
 of the American Civil War. Selma was important to the Confederacy
 as a major manufacturer of arms and munitions.

Posted at Friday Fences

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Rural Thursday, Oxford's General Store

It seems that most of the photos I post for Rural Thursday are taken in Orrville.
 Well, here's another!
 This is the side of Oxford General Store. Go on in and take a look around!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

ABC Wednesday, O is for Old Live Oak Cemetery

ABC Wednesday is featuring the letter "O," and oh my, once again I see an opportunity
 to post a photo of Old Live Oak Cemetery!

We call it Old Live Oak, because there is also a New Live Oak Cemetery.
 The old cemetery is home to numerous outstanding monuments and billowing sheets
 of Spanish Moss. It is just optimum for snapping pictures, too!

Posted at ABC Wednesday

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

From Tannehill to Selma (Our World Tuesday)

We visited Tannehill State Park near Birmingham this past weekend and hiked trails that took us to old furnaces that produced iron for the Selma Arsenal and Gun Foundry. During the Civil War, Selma was second only to Richmond, Va., in the production of arms for the Confederacy. The ironworks at Tannehill were attacked by federal troops on March 31, 1865, and the Battle of Selma followed on April 2, 1865. The long war ended days later.
This weekend, re-enactors will once again portray the Battle of Selma with living history events for school children on Thursday and Friday at the battlefield and a Civil War Writers' Forum on Friday evening at Carneal Arts Revive.  One of the authors, James R. Bennett, wrote a book about Tannehill and the growth of the Alabama iron industry. 

A battle skirmish and Battle of Selma Ball follow on Saturday, and the main battle that destroyed much on Selma on Sunday afternoon.  

Posted at Our World Tuesday

Monday, April 23, 2012

Flowers, Seeds, Chicks

It seems everyone has the gardening bug this spring, and a cute display
 in front of Selma Hardware sure attracted my attention! I've been
 in garden centers recently where people who have never 
planted vegetables before are trying it this year.

 One older couple told a cashier that they hadn't planted a garden in years,
 but frankly, fresh veggies just cost so much at the store that it's time
 to once again plant their own in God's good earth! It appears that some
folks may also be raising their own chickens and eggs!

How about you?
Are you planting food in your yard or garden space this year?

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Whatever One Sows

"Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap."
Galatians 6:7 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Everything's Coming Up Honeysuckle

Everything's coming up honeysuckle around here!

I love it's fragrance but not its appearance in my shrubbery.

Posted at Rural Thursday

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

ABC Wednesday, M is for MOVIES

It's M Week, and we're going back to the MOVIES in Selma at the Walton Theatre,
 now re-opened in the Striplin Performing Arts Centre.
 No, "Blue Sky" isn't playing now, but it was filmed in Selma. 
But yes, "The Hunger Games"was the feature film this past weekend.
 It's no telling how many Selmians have mentioned how thankful they are
 that they can watch a brand-new movie right here 
and not have to drive to Prattville or Montgomery!

Posted at ABC Wednesday

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Please Don't Sit on the Flowers!

Please don't sit on the flowers inside the entrance of Carneal ArtsRevive!
After perusing paintings and photographs at the annual spring art exhibition, 
I noticed all the extra touches such as a pot of flowers placed in the seat of this old chair.
 Can't miss that colorful old rug either! 
The art show is open on Friday and Saturdays from noon til 4 through the end of April.

Posted at 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Cats 'n Quilts

If you're a cat lover AND a quilt lover, then this is the quilt for you!
Now, I just can't decide which kitty I like best!
They are all so cute and whimsical, and the quilter, Jeanann Syzmanski,
 sure knows how to stitch personalities!
Jeanann graciously brought her quilting artistry
 to the Artisans Fair at Heritage Village during the Selma Pilgrimage in March.  


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter 2012

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
 In his great mercy he has given us new birth
 into a living hope through the resurrection 
of Jesus Christ from the dead..."
  1 Peter 1:3. 

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, April 1, 2012


So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out,
 “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, even the King of Israel!” 
John 12:13

Coming to you all the way from Orange Beach,
 a picture of palm tree, to celebrate Palm Sunday in Selma!