Friday, March 3, 2017

Blue Skies and Redbud at the Park

It's only early March, but redbud blooms against a blue sky
 over the Valley Grande city park this week. 

Linking to Skywatch Friday 


  1. What a lovely scene of approaching spring to bring a little colour into the world!

  2. Hello, I love the redbud blooms. I heard they are having the cherry blossom festival in DC a month early this year. The trees are blooming now. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  3. What beautiful flowers! And behind it the lush sky.
    Thanks also for your nice words with me.
    Lilly ♥

  4. You have captured well the wondrous beauty of spring! Re your comment on The Villages: You're right. None of those buildings are more than about 40 years old, and some are just 4-5 years old. The Villages is often called "Disneyland for adults." Much, if not most of what you see, is illusory and unreal. But it's fun, nevertheless, and The Villages is the fastest growing "town" in the U.S.

  5. Lovely! It'll be May before we see those here.

  6. They look gorgeous against that beautiful sky!

  7. Wow! Looks like spring has sprung - even though there must be a few more cold snaps! Lovel red buds.

  8. Seems early for those blooms! Beautiful photo.

  9. So pretty - it will be a while before anything blooms at our elevation.

  10. Beautiful shot, you are ahead of us. Our redbuds will start blooming in a couple weeks.


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