Thursday, May 12, 2016

Signs, Signs, Downtown Survey

What do you want to see in downtown Selma?

Stop by the Lafayette Park entrance on Water Avenue
 and let city leaders know. Just above the blue sign
 is a large board where you can write your answer. 

Linking to Signs, Signs



  1. I guess something nicer than a cracked building.

  2. Halcyon, Well, I did not think about this column appearing to be a building in the photo! It isn't a building, just holds the sign about LaFayette's visit many, many years ago. But I guess it does look like it is cracked at its base. Maybe some paint will help! :)

  3. A cheerful shade of blue. I did notice that base needs a touch up.

  4. This is a nice idea to involve everyone and their needs/wishes. (We have far too many restaurants, for instance)

  5. Would love to see a follow-up on whether people's suggestions were actually taken into consideration.


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