Friday, May 27, 2016

Hay Weather

Dallas County finally got a week of dry weather, perfect for cutting, raking
 and baling hay! Clear skies prevailed, and it looks like farmers
 may get another week just like it. 

Linking to Skywatch Friday

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Return of The Sand Bar Restaurant

The popular Sand Bar restaurant is returning, bigger,
 better and sitting taller than before!

The historic Christmas Flood of 2015 inundated the former building 
situated just above the Selma Marina, so the new one sits higher up the hill. 

Opening is expected this summer, and it should offer a great view. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Tremont School Challenge

There is a $10,000 Challenge going on to help preserve the old TREMONT School.

Built in 1913 as Selma's first high school, the structure has been used
 as storage for the past few decades, and since its acquisition
 windows have been replaced along with other repairs. But before
 it can be used again, this historic gem needs a lot more help.
 Over $80,000 has already been invested, but a matching $10,000 grant
 will mean at least an additional $20,000 toward restoration. 

Plans for the former school will be discussed by architect Dick Hudgens
 at tonight's annual meeting of the SDCHPS. The 6 p.m. meeting
 at St. Paul's Episcopal Church is open to all who are interested.   

Linking to ABC Wednesday
The Letter T 


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Petal Pushers Produce

The Farmers Market at Bloch Park is OPEN, and here are a few things
 that Petal Pushers Farm had available this morning:
 squash, homemade breads, herbs, red potatoes, jams and jellies.
 The business is located in Valley Grande off Alabama Highway 22 North
 where there is a store with home-baked goods, plants and a U-Pick orchard.
Linking to Our World Tuesday

Our World Tuesday Graphic

Monday, May 23, 2016

Rose in Bloom

Coral-colored roses bloom outside the St. James Hotel in Lafayette Park.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Wildflower Patch

Across the fence in this downtown Selma yard are blue wildflowers
 propagated into the landscape. So pretty!

Linking to Good Fences


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Sidewalk Scene

A box of begonias brighten the brick SIDEWALK near the Bridge Tender's House.

Linking to ABC Wednesday where the Letter of the Week is "S" 
(although in this case, you might believe  it was B!)


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Welcome Flag

Some of Selma's homes have welcome flags, and this one caught my fancy!

Linking to Our World Tuesday

 Our World Tuesday Graphic

Monday, May 16, 2016

Porch Rockers

It's porch weather and time to brighten the rockers with colorful, comfy cushions!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Taking Flight

A cardinal takes flight after perching atop a lantern in Lafayette Park.

(So,  the perfect picture of this redbird sitting on this light was not to be!
 Just before the shutter snapped, he flew away.)
 But, this pose is probably more interesting anyway!


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Signs, Signs, Downtown Survey

What do you want to see in downtown Selma?

Stop by the Lafayette Park entrance on Water Avenue
 and let city leaders know. Just above the blue sign
 is a large board where you can write your answer. 

Linking to Signs, Signs


Friday, May 6, 2016

Pink Antiques

These pink antique roses flourish along a fence on Lapsley Street.
 Their contrast with a background of Spanish Moss, I think,
 is rather romantically striking. 

Linking to Good Fences

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Coming Down

These walls are all that remained of the old Safelite building a few days ago.
 Its roof and a wall collapsed during a  thunderstorm in early April,
 and now the Water Avenue building is in the final stages of demolition.
  Well, at least there will be yet another great view of the river here!
I just HAD to get those pretty primroses in the photo.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

A QUAINT Little Cottage

I love blue.
I love old-fashioned roses.
I love white picket fences and cottages and fancy fretwork. 
So I love everything about this QUAINT little house
 in Selma's Old Town!

"Q" is the Letter of the Week over at ABC Wednesday