Monday, March 7, 2016

Make Way for the Arts

Selma is a great place to paint or photograph and a great place
 to display your art, especially in the Spring. 

 opens this weekend with a reception and continues until April 2.

 The show has temporarily moved to Charlie Lucas' art gallery
 in the former Coffee Printing building on Lauderdale Street
 while Carneal ArtsRevive undergoes renovation.

 The show will also be open during
 the Historic Selma Pilgrimage March 18-19.

Meanwhile Alabama Plein Air Artists will "paint the town" during Pilgrimage
 and sell their works at a "Wet Paint" sale at the Selma Art Guild on March 19.
 The art guild is open during Pilgrimage, and its members have set aside room
 for the display and sale of strictly Selma art.

Plus, Gallery 905 recently opened at 905 Water Ave.
 and sells spectacular regional art. 

Selma's own Peggy Allison painted the fish above,
 and it was part of the 2015 ArtsRevive show.


I appreciate your visits and comments!