Monday, April 27, 2015

Just Sending News from the Battlefield

"Selma has fallen!" is what I imagine these Civil War Battle of Selma
 reenactors are texting to relatives or friends on their phone! 

View a video of the 5th Alabama Infantry Regiment Band 
playing "Amazing Grace" during Sunday's closing ceremony.

Linking to Blue Monday


SmilingSally said...

Hi Janet,

What a good shot. Isn’t it fun finding blues to share? Thanks for playing today.

Happy Blue Monday!

William Kendall said...

Quite a striking contrast between device and clothing!

LV said...

Texing has gotten out of hand, but I am sure these two were sharing interesting news.

Janet said...

Well, it WAS after the battle was over!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Perfect photo album.

Annesphamily said...

A sign of how our times have changed indeed! A wonderful share.