Monday, March 2, 2015

Selma Unity March

Hundreds of people from Selma's churches came together Sunday 
for the Selma Unity March (One Selma: Coming Home...United in Faith).

 They crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge from the Selmont side back into town
to symbolize that God is working to unify the city for His Kingdom.

 The 176-block quilt was made by various churches, organizations 
and individuals and will be on display at the public library.

 From the sounding of shofars to prayers of repentance 
and restoration, downtown Selma overflowed with enthusiasm. 

Please visit the Selma, Ala., Photo Facebook page for more pictures of this event.

Linking to Monday Murals


  1. Great to see. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  2. A wonderful shot, and what a momentous occasion.

  3. I would have liked to be there. Their banner is a lovely symbol. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  4. What an absolutely wonderful image! It's great that you got to take part in this!


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