Monday, March 30, 2015

Blue Monday, The Awning with Blue Stripes

It's "Blue Monday" meme day, and not much could be a prettier
 shade of blue than the awning at Butler Truax Jewelers. 

The history of this store dates back to 1845, and during the Civil War,
 its owner, S.F. Hobbs, a native of Maine, went off to fight for the South.
 The story of how his bride saved the store's silver and jewelry
 during the Battle of Selma in 1865 is told here.

The business changed locations through the decades, and in 2002,
 Butler Truax renovated and moved into the former Kress building
 on Broad Street.  It's a real beauty!

Linking to Blue Monday


  1. That's the exact fabric I had on a sofa years ago! How I love blue stripes!

  2. Hi Janet,

    Beautiful blue awnings and an interesting piece of history. Thanks for playing today.

    Please come back and tell me what you think of my Cinderella post.

    Happy Blue Monday!

  3. That really is a beautiful bright blue awning. Very eye catching! Happy Blue Monday!

  4. A striking blue awning here! I love the building and its design. Buildings like that are not seen much today! Have a Happy Blue Monday and also a Blessed Easter.

  5. Really cool. I love it!
    Please come share at


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