Sunday, October 13, 2013

Comb Concert

Have you ever played the comb?
 Ever attended a comb concert?

We have one in Selma every year at the Alabama Tale-Tellin' Festival. 
The evenings of storytelling and music end with an "I'll Fly Away" comb concert
 led by The Dill Pickers. Make plans to attend this family-friendly event
 next October, and you don't even have to play your own comb! 
Tale-Tellin' supplies the comb and the tissue paper! 

Comb concerts in Selma were the creation of Selma storyteller/author
 Kathryn Tucker Windham, who also founded the festival.
 Ever since she went to Heaven a few years ago, we continue to honor
 her memory with her favorite gospel song played and hummed on combs!


  1. I HAVE played the comb but have never been to a comb concert. I think everyone attending must smile throughout!


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