Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Empty Bowls for KENYA

If you craft a bowl and fill it with soup, people will come
 and eat and help feed hungry school children in KENYA.

That formula earned Selma's version of the Empty Bowls Project
 a large crowd Tuesday night. Sponsored by the Selma Art Guild
 and held at Carneal ArtsRevive, local potters made the bowls,
and a lot of good cooks made the soup and cornbread. Donations go
 to Integrity Worldwide's school lunch program at the 
Meto, Kenya Primary School. The Selma-based charity
 makes frequent trips to Kenya and focuses on developing
 "these rural Maasai communities through health,
 education and ministry programs."

Linking to ABC Wednesday where the letter of the week is K


  1. What a great idea to help a good cause - and beautiful bowls too!

  2. Like teaching a man to fish! How wonderful to help Kenyans like this, especially considering what's been in the news lately.

    abcw team

  3. I don't know what I like best the lovely bowls of the thought of home made soup in them. A wonderful charity.
    Joy - ABC Team

  4. Always important to tend to others.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  5. What a wonderful project! The bowls - and the giraffes - are lovely too.

  6. The vision for Kenya is wonderful. What blessings you receive when you give from your heart and hands.


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