Monday, September 30, 2013

Social Season

Selma's fall social season begins with Sturdivant Hall's Barbecue on the Green.
 Tables decorated with autumn foliage spread across the courtyard
 for an evening of musical entertainment and barbecue.
 The event benefits the museum. 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Thursday Lunch

If  you are in town on Thursdays, have lunch at Carter Drug's sidewalk cafe!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Skywatch, September Sky

Selma's September sky is moving on and making way
 for October's bright blue weather.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Central Alabama Dry Goods (Signs, Signs)

Central Alabama Dry Goods Co. was here.

How neat that so many of Selma's old buildings still bear
 the signs of yesteryear's businesses! 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Empty Bowls for KENYA

If you craft a bowl and fill it with soup, people will come
 and eat and help feed hungry school children in KENYA.

That formula earned Selma's version of the Empty Bowls Project
 a large crowd Tuesday night. Sponsored by the Selma Art Guild
 and held at Carneal ArtsRevive, local potters made the bowls,
and a lot of good cooks made the soup and cornbread. Donations go
 to Integrity Worldwide's school lunch program at the 
Meto, Kenya Primary School. The Selma-based charity
 makes frequent trips to Kenya and focuses on developing
 "these rural Maasai communities through health,
 education and ministry programs."

Linking to ABC Wednesday where the letter of the week is K

Friday, September 13, 2013

Now the Day is Over

Now the day is over,
Night is drawing nigh,
Shadows of the evening
Steal across the sky.

We've had some really remarkable sunsets lately!

(The verse is from the prayer hymn, Now the Day is Over, the words of which 
are comforting any time but especially during the week that we remember
 the evil events of Sept. 11, 2001.)  

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Ye Olde Phone Booth

I'm not sure what the story is here, but there was no phone connected
 when I attempted to use it! :)

However, it sure makes an interesting attraction along Broad Street,
 and I appreciate that it was wheelchair accessible. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


H is for HARVEST as in muscadines!

Muscadines are ripening every day, and most are free for the finding.
 The vines are prolific, and this summer's rains brought an abundance. 

We boiled the juice out of these tasty fruits and got several jars of jelly.
 There were more, but we have shared!

Linking to ABC Wednesday where the letter is H and City Daily Photo Blogs

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


A hummingbird pauses atop a garden cage just waiting
 for his turn at the feeder nearby.

Catching these hyper little birds in a posed position for even a moment
 is a challenge, but my son had the patience to wait!

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Labor Day Buck

What a beautiful sight this Labor Day morning!

Our son spotted this whitetail buck across the fence from our backyard,
 and our daughter-in-law grabbed her camera. If you look closely, you can see
 how tall the deer's antlers are and see that they are still in velvet.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

In the Pink

It's September Theme Day, PINK, over at City Daily Photo Blogs, and pink boots
 seem to be all the rage these days. Have you noticed how many boots are pink?
 Would you like or do you have a pair of pink boots? Selma certainly has a good supply!

Linking to City Daily Photo Blogs September Theme Day