Friday, August 2, 2013

The Bright Spot

The glorious crape myrtle has been one of the few "bright spots" around town
 this summer as clouds often accompanied by rain have been the norm. 
However, it's good that "global warming" took a break in July.
 Our daytime temps stayed mostly in the 80s. and there is no drought,
 hurricane or extreme heat in sight...yet!


  1. the crepe myrtle is such a gorgeous color. ( :
    enjoy your weekend.

  2. I wish I could grow crepe myrtles in my gardens. They are so lovely!

  3. I too want a crepe myrtle ...after two that died...I will just have to enjoy this beautiful shot!

  4. Crape Myrtles are so pretty! Ours here in Mississippi are doing well this summer, too. I think God is laughing at the Global Warming People by sending us cooler temperatures! It has certainly been nice to have 90 degrees instead of 100.
    Have a wonderful week-end!
    Lea's Menagerie

  5. Very nice. We have lots of crepe myrtles in our area. The only problem is they turn into sticks in the winter.

    Re your comment on Ocala: I've been waiting for that inevitable knock on the door.

  6. My Crepe Myrtles got the crud beat out of them by the rain storms. they look pretty scraggly - not as pretty as this one.

  7. Very nice sight of the crepe myrtles, I have some but not this pretty color.

  8. The hurricanes are on the way. Prepare!

  9. definitely a nice accent for a fence. :)


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