Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Alabama: Here We Stay

"Alabama: Here We Stay" was performed by the Alabama Symphony Orchestra
 and Bobby Horton to highlight StreetFest. 

Horton is an Alabama composer, performer and music historian and worked
 with the Symphony to tell the stories of Alabama Civil War soldiers,
 both Union and Confederate, through music. 


  1. Nice size crowd. I like the glass bottle works of art on the left. I always say I'm going to buy one, just havent done it yet.

  2. Looks like fun!

    Have a great Tuesday. ☺

  3. I like street fests!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  4. Hmmm, i love the fact that the photo is soooo busy that you need to see every nook of it. Great job.


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