Thursday, March 7, 2013

Everywhere a Chick, Chick

Here a chick, there a chick, everywhere a chick, chick!

I didn't have to go to Old MacDonald's Farm to see these babies.
 They were brought into our local Tractor Supply while I was purchasing
 Old-Fashioned Lemon Drops, my favorite candy. Now if my house
 was in the country, I wouldn't mind raising a few chickens for fresh eggs!


  1. oh aren't they cute? i used to love seeing the baby chicks at the zoo when i was little. you could pick them up and hold them. probably not anymore.

  2. My goodness...they're so sweet. And, so little!

  3. Sooo cute. I would like to try chickens also, but I live in the city limits.

  4. They are just adorable! I could pet them all day!

  5. They are so tiny and cute. I would love to have a few chickens in my garden, but our city doesn't allow it - yet.

  6. A sure sign of spring! Although it looks like it's pretty green where you are ... or should I say pretty and green.

  7. Oh, so very cute... I want a couple! Thank you for joining in 'Rurality Blog Hop #5' Hope to see you next Wednesday for #6...

  8. Perhaps they're gettiing ready for Easter?

  9. Kate, I HOPE they're for laying Easter eggs & eggs to eat!

  10. Aren't they precious!
    I was just in my Tractor store yesterday and they too had chicks. I just stood and looked at all that new life. I didn't have my camera. :(


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