Thursday, November 8, 2012

Corn Grits

What could be more rural AND more southern than stone-ground grits?

Corn grits are sold at Kenan's Mill during special events such as the 
Kenan's Mill Fall Festival and  Spring Pilgrimage. Maintaining a mill like this
 is quite a job, and the creek doesn't always flow so swiftly.
 But it's  an historic site worth saving and an ongoing project


  1. Oh I love the packaging and it is so important to support this so it can stay open and show others the old ways. B

  2. I grew up eating grits! Still one of my favorites.

  3. Great post and creative photo ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  4. I had grits for breakfast this morning! I've found they seem to tide me over pretty well.

  5. It sounds like our Bear's Mill.


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