Wednesday, July 11, 2012

ABC Wednesday, Z is for Zinnias

The ABC Wednesday meme has reached the end of the alphabet,
 and since ABCs are short on Zzzzzzzzzzs, how lucky I am to have zinnias in my yard! 
These little "paperwhite" miniatures are really showy once they
 FINALLY start spreading, and with the drought, that took awhile this summer! 
They only survived because I've spent more than I care to admit on water bills,
 but rain three days in a row has truly made all the difference!

Posted at ABC Wednesday


  1. must be a lovely yard
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. You sure are lucky to have them in your yard! They are lovely!

  3. Roger, I try, BUT the grass and weeds usually take over! :(

  4. Love those miniature paperwhites. Lovely.
    So glad you got some rain relief.

  5. Dear friend,
    Great Z word and for a beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Ohh I did not know that they are called zinnias too, so pretty.

    Zebu and Zebrula. Come and see how they look like.
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team


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