Sunday, April 29, 2012

Ride in a Covered Wagon

Re-enactors bring scenes from the 1860s back to life each year
 during Battle of Selma weekend. This covered wagon was among
 modes of transportation that made the school days tours more authentic. 

Posted at Scenic Sunday


  1. I guess there is a lot of history in your area. Seems like I've passed through Selma ( I'm originally from Columbus, GA - went to nursing school in New Orleans ) but have lived in the San Fran area now for 35 years...and travel the world...up to 45 countries now. Just spent four months in India.

    My Scenic Sunday was shot during my recent four month visit to India....

  2. Not a mode of transportation I would want to use.

  3. Haha, Jim! Of course, there is no A/C! Gosh, I don't know how folks survived back then without A/C!

  4. To me it looks like Battle of Selma must be a really interesting event! Much to learn and experience from that time.

    Regards from Barcelona.


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