Friday, April 27, 2012


Selma is once again ready for the Yankees in this 147th year since the Battle of Selma.
 The annual re-enactment is this weekend, and the April 1865 Society has prepared fortifications.
 Unfortunately, on Sunday, the federal cavalry will burn the house 
and spill over the fences to capture the town in one of the last battles
 of the American Civil War. Selma was important to the Confederacy
 as a major manufacturer of arms and munitions.

Posted at Friday Fences


  1. I have never been to a re-enactment...I guess we should go to one one of these days.

  2. Columbus and Phenix City were also pivotal for the south being a major producer of uniforms. And officially the last battle of the war; they hadn't rec'd word that the war was over.

  3. bfarr, Some reenactor/representatives from the Port Columbus National Civil War Naval Museum are in Selma this weekend and participated in the school tours. They told students about life on a Civil War ship. I got one of their museum brochures. I hadn't realized how much Columbus manufactured for the Confederacy! Thanks!

  4. These re-enactments are fun to can imagine yourself way back then! We have them in Gettysburg Pa. every year on July 4th!


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