Monday, April 23, 2012

Flowers, Seeds, Chicks

It seems everyone has the gardening bug this spring, and a cute display
 in front of Selma Hardware sure attracted my attention! I've been
 in garden centers recently where people who have never 
planted vegetables before are trying it this year.

 One older couple told a cashier that they hadn't planted a garden in years,
 but frankly, fresh veggies just cost so much at the store that it's time
 to once again plant their own in God's good earth! It appears that some
folks may also be raising their own chickens and eggs!

How about you?
Are you planting food in your yard or garden space this year?


  1. Rain is the BEST thing for growing a garden! Time to plant!

  2. we have just had snow! so any planting ideas will have to wait a wee bit longer.

  3. My green thumb extends mainly to flowers. I will probably just stick to them for this year again. But veggies from the garden always do seem to taste better!

  4. Halcyon, I've seen pictures of your beautiful flowers on your blogs. I'm sure you would have no trouble growing veggies!


I appreciate your visits and comments!