Monday, April 9, 2012

Cats 'n Quilts

If you're a cat lover AND a quilt lover, then this is the quilt for you!
Now, I just can't decide which kitty I like best!
They are all so cute and whimsical, and the quilter, Jeanann Syzmanski,
 sure knows how to stitch personalities!
Jeanann graciously brought her quilting artistry
 to the Artisans Fair at Heritage Village during the Selma Pilgrimage in March.  



  1. I've never been in Alabama but am aware of Gee's Bend quilts. An artist friend of mine brought some of them to St. Paul, MN to display and sell; I was quite taken by the artistry and history of those women and their quilts. I just googled them again and discovered that Gee's Bend is close to Selma. Lucky you! Your quilt photo today reminded me again of the lovely craft of quilt making. My mother made quilts and along with her weaving, I learned neither much to my regret now!!

  2. The one with the black face stands out for me

  3. I know someone who would love that quilt, she would probably hang it on the wall.

  4. Love the quilting business in bama.. and never visited the place where they make them but sure will or at least hope to be able to visit on next trip.
    as to the pics of Istanbul... I have a few I really like ones.. but unfortunately, "This is Belgium" is not the place to post them.. (nor the place to post a few alabama ones I treasure) :)
    warm regards

  5. The whimsical cats made me smile! Thanks!

  6. Love it! Two of my favorites, cats and quilts!

  7. Laura, when I saw this quilt, I immediately thought of you! You would love everything this quilter had on display.

  8. Those cats are very colourful and full of personality. And don't shed. Perfect.


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