Saturday, March 3, 2012

Storm Watching

It was a dark and stormy night across Central Alabama, and even our cat
 likes to watch meteorologist James Spann (ABC 33-40) on my computer monitor.
 A long-track tornado that began in the western part of  Dallas County
 apparently hit Grist State Park, which is well north of our house.
 The storm was still traveling through East Alabama at 11:30 p.m. 
and moving into Georgia.  More details at daylight!


  1. Everybody loves James Spann! When I was teaching elementary school in AL he came to visit. The students couldn't have been more excited.

  2. We remember many devastating tornadoes hitting Alabama in long year's past. One even destroyed the downtown section of Jasper where I was born. I am glad you are safe and well, and that your kitty is too!


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