Wednesday, March 7, 2012

ABC Wednesday, H is for History

It's H Week over at ABC Wednesday, and oh my goodness,
 there are multitudes of possibilities for HISTORY. 

Everything in Selma is historic, and our slogan is "History and Hospitality." 
So, since I happened to be at the Old Depot Museum today,
 history was everywhere, and I snapped this photo of a few relics on the lawn. 
The museum features not only Selma and Dallas County history
 but that of the Black Belt region as well.

Posted at ABC Wednesday


  1. Lots of history to share, I'm sure. I only know one at all well.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  2. So much history - I'm glad you are sharing it!

  3. what a pretty museum, love the color!

  4. It's always fun to visit museums and see how the generations before us lived. It also makes me not long for the good ole days.

  5. Great photos, and honoring history and hospitality - two important issues for all of us.

  6. What a colorful and crisp pic. Nice shot!


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