Sunday, February 12, 2012


Whisky Frisky is rummaging for acorns next to an oak tree on Lapsley Street.
Those pretty pansies caught my eye before I noticed the squirrel.

"Everything under heaven belongs to me." (Job 41:11)



  1. Oh how neat!!

    Hope you have a blessed day!

  2. Pansies always make me smile. They were my grandfather's favorite flower. He was a farmer who didn't otherwise see any point in all the time and trouble my grandmother devoted to her flower beds, but when she'd send him with a flatbed trailer to pick up her order for the Spring at her favorite nursery he'd always come back with a few flats of pansies he couldn't pass up :)

  3. Lovely flowers, growing wild I guess

  4. Jammie, I love pansies too, and my grandmother always planted some in what we called her pansy bed.

    Winchester, these aren't wild. The homeowners planted them around the tree next to the sidewalk. Really brightens a winter day!

  5. Beautiful shot! Great scripture.


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