Saturday, June 11, 2011


Festive zinnias grow from an urn in Phoenix Park, while something else (lantana perhaps?) clutch a brick wall,
and I wonder how DID they sprout up there, and where are they getting water?


  1. I love how nature just does what she wants to do. Great shot.

  2. Starting with Wed. on, you have just shot a Selma, AL take on Hitchcock's "Rear Window." Remember that movie with Jimmy Steward and Grace Kelly? If not, a "must watch" as I so see it in your great photos!

  3. I'm having trouble posting. I wrote this long message telling you how wonderful your photos are this week and how much (from Wed to today) they remind me of the scenes from Alfred Hitchcock's movie, "Rear Window."

    You've recreated the Southern Gothic version!!!!

  4. GDP, I did what? I love Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly as actors, but I don't remember that Hitchcock movie! Whatever I did, it was entirely coincidental, although I wish I could claim otherwise. Anyhow, thanks, and I will find that movie and watch it.


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