Sunday, May 1, 2011

Thou Shalt Not Steal (Sunday Scripture & a Snaphot)

This sign with God's commandment not to steal was displayed in a sutlery that sold pocketknives at The Battle of Selma Reenactment. 


  1. awesome capture!! and was probably a true depiction of the times.. How far have we come, that displaying a bible verse is not a part of our daily lives!

  2. I was just thinking what Mom of M&M's wrote--this day in age some think it's odd to see a bible verse on display. It should be an awesome reminder!

  3. is it bad that my initial reaction was to laugh? i pity the person that would steal from someone who deals with WEAPONS on a daily basis!

  4. I am so happy I found this blog! I have been a Texan since I was 6 years old but I was born in Alabama, all of my family, other than my mom, dad and back in Alabama.
    :) Glad I stopped by and I am now following.

  5. So glad to have you visit, Green TXmom! Come back often!


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