Sunday, April 10, 2011

How Not to Stumble

"Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble." (Proverbs 3:23)

Sound wisdom and discretion are King Solomon's advice for staying upright!

Click on Scripture & a Snapshot and Camera Critters to see more photos.


  1. Looking very determined, off on an important mission!

  2. Your Biblical quote with the cat walking the straight and narrow is a reminder of what I thought about doing but have yet to start. I thought I might try at least one post where the whole thing is written out like I used to write out the newsletters we mailed out every week when I was in the handwriting business. Part of the reason for not starting it or doing one is my handwriting fell into general disuse and is now close to scribbling.

    In response to your comment about the water trough…

    Actually, the other town planter also became a giant flower pot after the age of horse and buggy had run its course. The one I mentioned was planted in flowers but the pump still worked and people still used it to fill the community tin cup with a drink of water.

  3. perfect scripture for the picture! sometimes, sadly, a cat will stumble...years ago when we were still living in san diego, we had a neighbor that had several cats and we had 2 dogs (in our fenced yard)...well that neighbor had a cat that liked to sit on top of the fence and just tease our dogs till one day, somehow, one of our dogs got the cat and it was a very sad ending for the kitty :(

  4. She does look like she is on a mission.

  5. Great Scripture for this photo :) It amazes me, the balance of a cat, well most cats anyway....ours is a bit clumsy ;)

  6. I agree, the scripture is perfect for the picture.

    Happy CC.

  7. She looks like a cat on a mission!

  8. Great pic! What is she stalking?

  9. Beautiful photo. And I love the scripture reference. Goes perfectly!

  10. love six year old says" that is one cool cat!"

  11. great scripture!!! Cute kitty!!!

  12. great capture for the scripture!

  13. This shot is perfection with your verse - I LOVE it! :-)


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