Monday, March 21, 2011

Pink Ladies and Chevrolets

Remember the Pink Ladies from the movie "Grease?" They rivaled the T-Birds in the musical set in the '50s. The Antique Car Show at Selma's Pilgrimage had its very own version of a Pink Lady to help date the era of this vintage Chevrolet. The car show at Heritage Village also featured a beatnik from the '60s and a Flapper from the '20s, all young teens who volunteered their time during weekend events.


  1. The kids must have been in heaven to be around those classic cars!

  2. How fun! My husband would be drooling. Over the car, of course!

  3. What a beautiful car! It seems to be in mint condition! Nice catch!
    Vroom, vroom

  4. Cute. In the 50s the bulge in her pocket would have been cigarettes. Now it is a cell phone.


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