Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Pilgrimage Preparations

The 1839 Voeglin-Barker-Smitherman House is a work-in-progress, but most of the exterior work will be finished by Friday! Afraid that this downtown property might eventually become a parking lot, a former owner requested that this house not be torn down, and it still stands. New owners Steve and Erika Smitherman are restoring it and will welcome Pilgrimage visitors this weekend.


  1. I'm glad to see someone is taking care of it instead of allowing it to be torn down!

  2. The house is beautiful, a reall Southern bell house?

  3. The hard work of the new owners is being rewarded, and the people in your town will be asking themselves why they almost let it be torn down for parking. Looks good!

  4. Hi Jack. Thanks for visiting. I'm not sure that the house was almost torn down for parking, but since it was located downtown with churches nearby, that was a good possibility. In fact, there is a parking lot right behind it.


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