Sunday, December 26, 2010

Covered Yet? (Camera Critters)

She used to frolic in flurry phenomenons. Now, she just sits amazed as if she is watching every snowflake, and she doesn't seem to mind sporting a little snow on her back.

See more critters that posed for the camera over at Camera Critters HERE.


  1. Our 1st significant white stuff comes tonight... 8 inches?

  2. Guess you better get out the shovel, Birdman! Have fun in all that snow.

  3. With age comes a certain dignity.

    Re Mark Twain, I heard a piece on NPR saying that Twain wrote numerous drafts of an autobiography and wasn't satisfied. One was published several decades ago, and that might be what you have. The current one is the one he considered "final."

  4. She looks beautiful amidst the snow. Does she not get chilled?

  5. Liu, She does get cold, but with all that long hair, the summer heat is worse on her that the winter chill. Thanks for visiting!

  6. What a sweet looking little critter.

  7. Great photo! At Portland Oregon Daily Photo my theme day post—favorite 2010 posted photo—will be up after midnight in Portland. In the meantime, I have a special New Year’s Eve post. Happy New Year!

  8. Hi, from me a best wish for 2011!

  9. Thanks, MaCoBra. Happy New Year to you!


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