Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Watery Wednesday, Keepers of the Fountain

If it's Wednesday, it's water that we blog about over at the Watery Wednesday Blog Meme, and I recently found a fountain that I didn't know existed. A few good lions keep this fountain in a subdivision near the Alabama River.


  1. You can't messed that fountain the lions are watching intently. ^_^ Happy Wednesday!
    The Lake

  2. It's a elaborate and ornate fountain...hard to miss. Glad you found it so we could see it, too.

  3. Terrific fountain. I love it when I find something that has been there for a long time, but it's new to me.

  4. Hmmm, looks like your water is mineral-rich, unless the fountain's sculpture is iron rather than stone. Whatever, I like it — including the rust coloring!

  5. Can you wade in the fountain like on Friends? Looks huge.

  6. VP of Livorno would like those lions. They look like serious guardians.

  7. This is such a lovely fountain. I love the rut stain.


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