Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Viola Liuzzo Memorial

Unless you're specifically looking for this memorial, it's easy to miss.

Located on a high hill overlooking U.S. Highway 80 in Lowndes County, the marker pays tribute to Viola Liuzzo, a white civil rights worker who was murdered near Wrights Chapel Church in 1965. A sign pointing to the site is at the entrance.

The marker was placed here by women of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) in 1991 on the section of highway known as the Selma-to-Montgomery Historic Trail.


  1. A very nice memorial. We should not forget these brave people.

  2. Those were deadly times for some who dared buck the establishment. I would second Halcyon's remark!

    Re your comment on Cedar Key: No beach right there, just a dock that forms a semi-circle around a bay area. It's not much but we always have fun there.


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