Sunday, July 18, 2010

Valley Grande Baptist Church

A pair of sculpted brick angels blow trumpets at the entrance of Valley Grande Baptist Church.

The angels were carved from raw clay by local artist/craftsman J. Craig Pardue. You'll also find his work in a brick storefront in Gonzales, La., where he used designs of pelicans, ducks and live oak trees. Another sculpture, donated by Henry Brick Co., is on the courtyard wall at the Selma-Dallas County Public Library.


  1. Hi Janet!

    This is really red brick, isn't it? I like those sculpted angels very much. The talent to do that kind of work always amazes me. I hope others are also "trumpeting" the skills of the artist!

  2. Hi Jacob, Yes, Pardue has made other types of signs, including 3-D carvings on wood.

  3. Glad tp see that your community supports the work of local artists by commissioning and displaying their work.

  4. Are the bricks made of the same clay? The color is stunning!

  5. Hilda, Sure looks like it to me.


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