Monday, June 28, 2010


Even lawns as green as this one get extra thirsty in Selma summers. With temperatures mostly in the mid- to upper 90s through June so far, even frequent afternoon showers aren't enough to keep grass and plants growing.

Notice the large planters in the yard. They are very popular in Selma, especially in the yards of antebellum and Victorian homes.

Thanks to guest photographer Christine Weerts.


  1. Yes it is, Fishing Guy. The owners rent out the downstairs and gardens for parties, weddings, receptions, etc.

  2. We have the same problem here, although we did get a good hard rain yesterday afternoon. Of course, the lightning hit something not too far from us which caused a "boil water" order for that neighborhood!

    Look at those columns. Magnificent. I like those big flower pot, but someone very close to me thinks they look like funeral urns... :-)

  3. Jacob, don't think I've ever had to boil water due to lightning. Must have hit the waterworks! Uh, I can assure everybody that these are funeral urns! LOL

  4. Large planters are big here too. They tend to not dry out as fast as smaller ones.

  5. We keep getting teased by large thunderclouds that don't do much.

    What a lovely mansion!

  6. It's hot and there's no doubt about that!

  7. Sounds like our summers too. Everything just turns brown! But our rainy season has just started so everything's turning green again.

    Very elegant columns in this gorgeous house.


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