Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Selma, Ala., Daily Photo's 3rd Anniversary

Here's a big bouquet of flowers to you, my readers, in Selma's finest house, Sturdivant Hall Museum. Today is the Selma, Ala., Daily Photo Blog's third anniversary, and I really can't believe I've posted a picture a day for that long!

Heading into the fourth year, I hope to continue meeting the challenge of finding something interesting, something positive and something representative of this famous little town in the heart of Alabama.

Thank you for your visits, your comments and suggestions, and come see Selma for yourself!


  1. The flowers were placed here especially for the Selma Pilgrimage, which was last weekend.

  2. Congratulations!

    It is hard to post for a month sometimes.

    I used to have an archive until I found it was being used by some thief as his own. So now I don't leave my stuff up very long and then remove it.

    Have you ever done a google search for your photos? Or name of pictures?

  3. Beautiful flowers...on what looks like a really beautiful little table.

  4. Thanks for the bouquet and congrats on your three years...I think I've been doing this for a year and three years seems like an awfully long time! It's fun, though!

  5. Happy Anniversary to you and your blog! The flowers are beautiful.

  6. Three years, you are a veteran, my congratulations!

  7. Happy birthday, great blog with unique photos and hearty texts! All the best and a lot of interesting photos in future!

  8. Congratulations on your blogoversary. The flowers are very nice.

  9. Please keep up the good work !
    Not only do you post great pictures, you are also a valuable asset to the lovely and historic city of Selma Alabama.

  10. Congratulations !! May you go Long !! Beautiful !!

  11. Three years what an accomplishment. Here's to another three!

  12. CONGRATULATIONS! Wow - 3 years is a lot of postings! I'm looking forward to my 1st anniversary in May!
    Omedito gozaimashita! Grattis! Felicitations! Herzliche Gluckwunsche!


I appreciate your visits and comments!