Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Rose Window at Church Street

Church Street United Methodist Church celebrates its 175th anniversary this year, and the Rose Window at the rear of its sanctuary memorializes eight of its founders. The church recently participated in the Historic Selma Pilgrimage as the church on tour, and in April it will host an anniversary celebration.


  1. Unusual angle for this shot. Stained glass windows are such beauties. It would be interesting to know how many churches worldwide have a "rose window."

  2. Hi Kate. Yes, I've heard of a lot of rose windows. As for the angle, I try to be different! :)

  3. That is so pretty! I like the angle of the picture too.

  4. That's a gorgeous window! Happy anniversary to the church!

  5. That is some fine, detailed, cut glass work.

  6. What a fantastic Rose Window! I love, love stained glass! You could have used this photo for "Sacred Sunday," too.


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