Saturday, March 20, 2010

The PEW House

Welcome to church!

Well, this is a residence, but a Lutheran congregation used to worship in the reception hall (background) and the living room (foreground) until its members built a church in west Selma.

The PEW House (notice the church pew in front of the window) is on tour this afternoon during the Selma Pilgrimage. The early 1900's Victorian is also the former home of Dr. Walter Ellwanger, who became president of Alabama Lutheran (now Concordia College) in1945. During the tour from 1-5 p.m., visitors will learn about some of the home's famous guests and see collections of international nativity sets, plus much more!


  1. It looks like a really beautiful place.

  2. Interesting furnishings and wallpaper! I also see some old bottles which intrigue me.

    The pew would probably put me right to sleep!

  3. Jacob, it IS interesting. I was a hostess at this house today, and the "wallpaper" is paint. When the owners bought the house, they had to strip several layers of wallpaper from the walls and vowed never to put any wallpaper in the house ever again. This is the only room (the entrance hall) painted like this. The rest are solid colors.

  4. Interesting history and currently a beautiful place!
    Lutheran regards from EAGAN


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