Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Bridge Display

Selma's new welcome center downtown features walls of history, and on one wall are pictures and paintings of the Edmund Pettus Bridge.

The bridge replaced the old swing-span structure across the Alabama River and opened in 1940 with four lanes! Most people are familiar with its name in civil rights history. Each year, the bridge is the centerpiece of the Bridge Crossing Jubilee
held the first weekend in March.


  1. This bridge will always be remembered because of the famous march...I taught American history and always spent time on the Civil Rights movement and we showed movies of this march across the bridge.

  2. How interesting, Jacob! I did not grow up in Selma but my home wasn't too far away, and I remember a lot of tension during the 60s.

  3. I hope they have added your spectacular header photo to that exhibit!

  4. Well, thanks Virginia. They don't have it, but it is on our Pilgrimage brochure. Hope Spring is springing up your way! We finally have daffodils blooming down here.

  5. I do like that painting in center. Reminds me of the works that sometimes hang in the library's main hall.


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