Friday, December 11, 2009

Skywatch Friday (December Rainbow)

Finally, a rainbow!

I've been searching Selma's skies ever since joining Skywatch and never found a rainbow until now.

Fortunately, my camera was beside me in the car as I stopped at a traffic light on Dallas Avenue, and here is the "through-the-windshield" result.

For more splendid skies around the globe, visit


  1. A rainbow over Selma. A sign the world will never be completely inundated by water again regardless of what the global warmers say. :) Pappy

  2. A rainbow is always a welcome sight!

    Happy Friday!!

  3. Great capture, even through the window! No matter how old I get, I always feel like an excited kid when I get to see a rainbow.

  4. Love rainbows but even better if you could send some warmer weather to Ohio

  5. Joe, Sorry I can't send warmer weather your way. It's cold and damp here with temps in the 30s. We're expecting a cold rain tonight and tomorrow. I'd rather have snow!

  6. Hey Texican, your words of wisdom ring again! According to the God's promise in the rainbow, whether the climate turns colder or warmer, our Earth will never again experience a total flood.

  7. It's so cold here, I can't even imagine a rainbow! Good catch...

  8. Nice rainbow, the end appears to be at that interesting green roofed building. Did you go look for Leprechauns?


    Three Rivers Daily Photo

  9. Great catch-- your lucky day (and to have your camera handy at the right moment!)... Thanks for sharing, and for stopping by at Foothills Fancies!

    I like this City Daily Photo idea. Nice work.

  10. Very nicE! I like last friday's shot too.

  11. How cool to find a rainbow while at a traffic light :-) Great stress reliever.

  12. Pretty darn good "through the windshield" shot!

    Nice way to end a Friday evening!

  13. What a pretty rainbow! It's definitely a good idea to have your camera with you at all times!


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