Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas at the Chamber

The Christmas spirit is catching on all over town, and here's a peek at the tree inside the Centre for Commerce lobby. Both the Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development Authority are located here in a beautiful building that once was the Carnegie Library.

Holiday events this week included a tree lighting ceremony at City Hall, and today the Christmas parade begins at 9 a.m. downtown. Dress warm! It's cold and damp!

On Sunday, First Presbyterian Church hosts "Handel's Messiah," performed by a community choir at 3 p.m. I also hear that Santa might be cruising the Alabama River!

There's more! Plan to shop at Holiday Festival for the next two weeks. This annual event offers regional Christmas crafts and homemade goodies beginning Monday at 10 a.m. in the Performing Arts Centre.

Thanks to Christine Weerts for providing today's photograph.


  1. That's quite a line-up of holiday activities. I'd love to see the parade. Hope you take and post lots of snaps of it.

  2. A very nice, creative shot! Methinks you're going to be busy if you take in all these activities! But, hey, it may keep you out of the mall and you won't spend so much money! Right? ;-)

  3. Well, I'm sure I'll spend money at Holiday House! They always have such unique gifts and delicious baked stuff.

  4. Buy me a pound cake at the Holiday House would ya?? We had snow today. How about you all???

  5. Will do, Virginia! No snow here although it was predicted.

  6. For me nothing says Christmas more than Handel's Messiah.


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