Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Market Place

Since posting the picture of a handmade kitchen island, several people have asked where The Market Place is located. It's right downtown where MeeMaw's used to be, and long before that, Myer's Shoes was here. You can't miss the American flag and furniture on the sidewalk out front.


  1. I imagine that this store would provide a pleasant shopping excursion...I wonder if people fall over all that furniture on the sidewalk!

  2. Oh, I will have to make it a point to go there the next time I am in town! We got our issue of Alabama Living the other day and it listed a bunch of really neat happenings going on down there. The Haunted History Tour and the Kenan's Mill Festival have especially piqued my interest!

  3. That is good to hear that those events are in the magazine. Now, we need to get the Central Ala. Fair and Riverfront Market Day and Tale Telling in there!


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