Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Turning Pink

It's mid-summer and Selma neighborhoods are turning pink with crape myrtle blossoms, especially since some much needed rain on Sunday and Monday.


  1. I just love cities in the Old South. Sorry we didn't make it to Selma on our Southern tour this year. Maybe when it gets cooler. Pappy

  2. Hey Pappy. As you know, cooler is definitely better in the Deep South! Thanks for cyber visiting.

  3. Gorgeous home. Our crepe myrtles are blooming now, too. Finally!

  4. My thoughts too. I have to get some crape myrtles before I leave for France on THursday. I"ve got to hurry. They are my favorite by far. Lovely shot today.

  5. Crepe Myrtles are always beautiful in bloom. We had a huge one in our backyard that finally got to tall and fell over.

  6. Janet, wow, what a beautiful house! I love it when it seems to snow crepe myrtle blossoms! Aren't crepe myrtle's so pretty with their smooth bark? Their trunks remind me of graceful doe legs, but that sounds silly. Oh, well.


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