Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Something's Eating the Zinnias

Something's eating the zinnias! Earwig? Cutworm? Anybody got an idea?

I went in search of butterflies and found this little creature instead!


  1. Oh, no! That looks like a nasty, little bugger, unless he turns into a beautiful butterfly and then I might cut him some slack. - That is a great close up of that zinnia and the color is wonderful.

  2. Would love to have someone identify that critter. Nikki's right--the colour of the petals are a lovely array of related hues.

  3. Beautiful shot! The color of the zinnia is spectacular.
    As for the worm, it looks like a hungry little bugger to me :D

  4. Earwigs have found my zinnias to be delicious this year! I don't think they left anything for the worms you have.

  5. I have no idea what it is, but hope he doesn't ruin your zinnias!

  6. Nasty little thing. They have those legs on the back so they can freeze still and act like a twig when a predator comes near, but I can't remember the name of it!

  7. I'll tell you what; if I went looking for butterflies and found this thing...well, that would really bug me!

  8. Hello. I found your blog while searching for a caterpillar that is attacking my zinnias. This was not it though. I think this is some kind of inchworm. The ones eating my zinnias are dark with long colorful stripes.


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