Friday, July 10, 2009

Skywatch Friday (Changes Ahead)

The skies have been changing this week as well as the wireless communication companies.

The Selma area benefited from some badly needed rain and cooler temperatures, and hopefully we will benefit from improved wireless service.

Check out more Skywatch photos HERE.


  1. LOL about the wireless service! We used to have Nextel and then switched to Verizon. And WOW, their quirky commercials are actually true. I haven't been through a deadzone in a year.

  2. I am sure you were just as happy for the rain as we were.

    I'm not sure I'd notice any improvements in cellular service. I rarely use my cell phone for actual phoning!

  3. Great capture of the cell phone transition. I am on Alltel, so it's been... interesting. I would say the coverage has been worsened... sigh.

  4. Could use some of those cooler temps here, great photo!

  5. Seems like those guys are all up in the air about somethin'!

  6. Ah i see. So it is cooler now I hope. :) It was really warm for quite awhile in Manchester, UK too. I am glad that the rain managed to cool things over here. I hope it will do that same for you.

    Have a great weekend.

    Alex's World! -


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