Thursday, June 4, 2009

Library Petting Zoo

Passersby at the library yesterday might have wondered what all the commotion was about. Hundreds of children turned out to talk to the animals at the petting zoo on the front lawn.

Cows, donkeys, goats, rabbits, pigs and even a porcupine greeted their guests beneath a sprawling shade tree. (I haven't heard how many children petted the porcupine!)


  1. LOL, it would have been fun to watch the kids and the porcupine.

  2. Hi Jim, The porcupine was safely kept inside its cage!

  3. Maybe it was a baby porcupine'~)

    There's a brand new Crab Trap in Pensacola. It's down on Pensacola Bay off Main St and they're hoping to cash in on the Maritime Park they're planning on building. I guess hurricanes don't scare them.

  4. what a terrific idea to bring a petting zoo to the library....have to mention that to our children's dept librarians!


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