Monday, June 15, 2009


Hot summer days often bring fishermen to the banks of the Alabama River. A couple of them try their luck over by a sandbar.


  1. Rivers are wonderful to photograph. This photo reminds me of our very own Mississippi where we spend many peaceful hours.

  2. Maybe its because of the weather here, but your shot just says HOT to me. Maybe I could fish in the early morning.

  3. Fishing is nice if you let them go. My feelings about it after spending many years fishing. I took the barbs off the hooks so as to not tear up the mouth and then thought about it one day and quit. Never fished again.

    I figured the fish have more than enough problems just to stay alive with all the pollution getting into the waterways. And they don't need my baited hook to survive.

    Still, having said all of that, I can appreciate the beauty of your photograph and the scene.

  4. I guess some people find fishing fun. I've always thought it was terribly boring. The only thing worse than actually fishing is watching someone else do it! :)

  5. The photo of this bridge in your banner is just fantastic!

  6. This could be the cover of some steamy novel about the South...what do they catch (or try to) there?


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