Friday, May 29, 2009

Skywatch Friday, Beach Glow

Late evening at the beach often brings a kaleidoscope of colors in the sky. Here, condos catch the sun's glow as it paints pastels overhead.

While Selma is far from the Gulf of Mexico, the Alabama coast is a favorite vacation spot and only a 3-4 hour drive.

Check out more Skywatchers' photos HERE.


  1. Lovely! Is this Orange Beach? I've heard that it's really nice. The Mississippi coastline isn't so inviting.

  2. Beautiful photo, looks as a nice place to be. =)

  3. Very nice pale colors with a few splashes of brightness.

  4. Great photo...I love the light and shadows playing on the buildings...and the sandy foreground...the subtle colors are perfect...I like your header shot also...

  5. Lovely. Now I know why my friends spend their winters on the Alabama beaches!

  6. thanks for stoping by my blog :) You got beautiful beach photo.


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