Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sea Oats

"Sea Oats" is an acrylic painting by Jean Cook at last year's Summer Juried Art Exhibition at the Selma Art Guild. Doesn't it make you want to head to the beach?

With Memorial Day gone, summer unofficially begins, and among the events to look forward to is the summer art show.

This year's show begins Sunday, June 14 with a reception, and entries will be received at the art guild June 5 and 6.
Juror for this year's show is Dana Bice who teaches art history at Auburn University Montgomery.


  1. Lovely painting and beautiful natural scene. Images of water, sand dunes and blue sky reminds me of my childhood home in Door County, WI (paradise!) and also of Lake Michigan in other places. Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

  2. I like to reflect back on those things that used to be my cup of tea. Paintings, exhibits, shows. Gosh how much time did I spend sitting under shade hoping somebody would come along and buy one of my pictures. They often did.

  3. Yay! Summer is here!!

    We drove through Selma last night on our way home from Prattville. Unfortunately, all we had time to see was the Taco Bell on highway 80. Hopefully next time we can make a real stop. I loved 'Bama though. Lots of natural beauty!

  4. Halcyon, glad you drove through but wish you could have stayed longer. Email me next time you plan to head this way.

  5. Sea oats are so important and in Florida there are laws against their destruction.

    Very nice painting!


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