Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mockingbird Bath

I wonder if mockingbirds sing in the shower?

They are sometimes called "Nature's Greatest Mimic" and love to sing their hearts out. Extremely protective of their young, I have seen many a feline try to dodge the mockingbird's swoop and sometimes, people too!

Thanks to Elaine Stewart for sending this mockingbird photo. The bird, she says, "has been with us for several years. We recognize her from her broken wing, and she seems to manage very well."

If you want to read an in-depth description of the mockingbird and its habitat, click HERE at the Audubon website.


  1. I guess the Mockingbird gets around OK with the wing damaged. I heard they are also killers. I also hear that about Blue Jays that I admire so much. I guess the world is cruel after all. I like the fuzzy birdbath.

  2. There was one that was nesting in a tree near the entrance to my work and it would attack people as they were walking to the door! I think someone "relocated" its nest.

    Is Pratville anywhere near Selma? We are playing on the RTJ golf trail and will be heading over there as well as Birmingham. I know it's south of B - but not sure if it's as far as Selma. Guess I should look at a map!!

  3. Always wanted to see one of these birds. Incerdibly cute capture.

  4. We have a few Mockingbirds that visit our yard...but I've never been able to get a decent photo of one. This is nice.

  5. Halcyon, Although I don't golf, I have heard wonderful things about the Robert Trent Jones Golf Trail. Selma's not far from Prattville, about 45 minutes west on Ala. Hwy. 14 that takes you through hills and a farming area.

  6. We don't have mockingbirds in the UK so it is good to see them here.

  7. I like the posting of the arts you did. To be able to paint is a joy!

  8. A charming photo capturing a moment of pure joy on the bird's part!


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