Saturday, May 16, 2009


Say "Achoo!" to this "Gotcha" plant.

Privet is out of control in the woods around my house, and even when windows are closed and air conditioning on, I can still smell its fragrance. A stuffy nose and ears quickly follow. So thank you, God, for antihistamines!


  1. Allergies are such a nuisance, aren't they? It's interesting that such a noxious agent can look so delicate and attractive!

    My camera is in the specialist's shop, waiting for an estimate. Perhaps it just needs cleaning..I hope rather than major repairs. I hope to be back soon.

  2. Ah, the dreaded hayfever! Nice photo though :)

  3. I love the aroma, but I am not surrounded by them either.

  4. Kate, Sure hope you will return soon! I have a backup camera just in case.

    Hi Marley, I took a few days off to get away from these allergy producing blooms. As soon as I returned, my head stopped up again! At least I got a little relief.


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